Black Belt Blog - Mas Sammy

MARCH 2025

“Have you ever used your martial arts?” 

This is always one of the first questions people ask me when I tell them I train. The truth is that YES, I use my martial arts every single day. But to say it so simply tends to create more questions than answers. Let me explain. Usually the curious person really means: “has a stranger ever walked up to you on the street and attacked you?” And the answer to that version of the question is no, though I’m confident my physical self-defense skills would be there for me if I ever needed them. When most people think of martial arts they think of street fights, scrappy MMA fighters, or superhero fight scenes. They have an image of martial arts being the preparation for some external attack, but in my experience the weekly battle is more internal: to become a better version of yourself. 

I’ve never thrown a snap kick to a creepy guy trying to offer me candy, but that doesn’t mean my training has been wasted. I will never know how many self defense situations I have avoided by trusting my gut. I’ve crossed the street or taken a different route home because something just felt subliminally out of place. Training has helped me be more aware of my surroundings, and more conscious of hazards in my environment. One of the reasons I train is so that I don’t have to fight to protect myself. 

Aside from self defense, I’ve learned other transferable life skills. I have so much strength, flexibility and coordination built on the mat that I could apply to a new physical endeavor. Training a whole-body sport like this where we strengthen both sides of your body is incredible in the long-term. 

The ability to speak in front of a group is a crucial skill that training, teaching, and performing develops. The tournaments, TASP open-houses, and the Chinese Garden performances are such excellent opportunities to put yourself out there, and learn to be comfortable in front of a group. Getting over that stage fright and being proud of what you learned is incredible for your confidence and self image—something that will translate to performances, demonstrations, speeches, and life. 

The athleticism, confidence, maturity, and discipline I’ve gotten from my time in the school is something I carry with me every day. Not to mention the lifelong friendships I’ve built here, and the incredible bonds I have with my teammates I’ve tested with. I’m very grateful that One With Heart was a driving force throughout my development, and I’ll come back from college whenever I can to see the school again. 

Usually, the curious stranger isn’t really looking for such a long-winded answer, so I’ll settle for: “Yes, I use my martial arts every single day.” 

-Mas Sammy 


Black Belt Blog - Mas Quinn